Recommended by our reviewers

Digfield Ales

Digifield Ales is an independent brewery that started life as a five-barrel plant back in 2005 and, even from those early days, was already winning both fans – and awards. In fact, they won several awards at the Peterborough Beer Festival in 2006, not long after they had opened.

Since then owners and brewers Paul and Michael have expanded into a 15-barrel plant and have many longstanding customers. The beer produced here is renowned for its clarity and flavour and developed through a winning combination of both science and instinct.

There are regular beers on offer throughout the year plus seasonal offerings. Barnwell Bitter (4% ABV) is an amber bitter; Fool’s Nook (3.8% ABV), a golden summer bitter; Mad Monk (4.8% ABV) is a dark malty ale; Chiffchaff (3.9% ABV), a golden pale ale. There’s also a chestnut brown best bitter called Shacklebush (4.5% ABV) and March Hare (4.2% ABV), a premium, straw-coloured ale.

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Useful info
Lilford Lodge Farm, Barnwell, Northamptonshire PE8 5SA
01832 273954

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